Dental Care

Rustic Line

Those Pearly Whites

Did you know that dental issues can impact more than just your pet’s mouth? We recognize the vital role that dental care plays in your pet’s overall health and well-being.

Surprisingly, conditions like thunderstorm phobia can sometimes be linked to dental problems.

Many dogs who fear thunderstorms have found relief after undergoing dental procedures, which reveal hidden issues like broken teeth.

Getting puppies and kittens accustomed to mouth examinations early on makes dental care easier in the long run.

Our comprehensive dental health inspections are integral to our preventive care approach, aimed at maintaining your pet’s oral hygiene and preserving their bright smile.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Our experienced veterinary team performs thorough dental cleanings to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria buildup from your pet’s teeth and gums.

Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, we ensure a deep and effective cleaning that promotes optimal oral health.

Addressing Dental Issues

From bad breath to gum disease, dental problems can significantly impact your pet’s quality of life.

During our dental health inspections, we meticulously assess your pet’s teeth, gums, and oral tissues for any signs of disease or discomfort. If dental issues are detected, we develop customized treatment plans to address them promptly and effectively.


For pets requiring more intensive dental care, we offer a range of services in collaboration with Small Animal Veterinary Emergency Services.

From ultrasonic cleanings and polishing to tooth extractions, we ensure your pet receives the necessary treatment.

Additionally, we provide diet recommendations and a selection of oral hygiene products to support at-home dental care.

Importance of Dental Care

Regular dental care is essential for preventing dental problems and maintaining your pet’s overall health.

Untreated dental issues can lead to pain, infection, and systemic health problems, affecting your pet’s quality of life and longevity. By prioritizing dental care, you can help your pet enjoy a healthier life.

Compassionate Care

At Stonecliff Animal Clinic, we approach dental care with compassion, patience, and understanding.

We understand that some pets may feel anxious or fearful during dental procedures, and we take every measure to ensure their comfort and well-being. Your pet’s safety and happiness are our top priorities.

As your trusted veterinary partner, we are committed to supporting your pet’s dental health journey.

At-Home Care

These great videos will give you the confidence to start your pet on the road to a healthy mouth!

How To Brush Your Cat’s Teeth

Learn More

How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Learn More

Beige Blob

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